More Watercolors from College

Hmm...this one feels nice. I love the cool blues and purples. I did this with the series of other watercolors I have posted in the past. I experimented with feelings, moods, color groups, using watercolors and water color pencils. I'm still learning watercolor techniques. I took a class once at the Peninsula Fine Arts Center in Newport News, Va. But, I still feel like a novice. Either way, I love the feel of the watercolors I've done.

I also LOVE to splatter and see what happens.

I dreamed I was drawing these swirly zig-zaggy lines last night on a wall really fast--and smudging them to create value. Maybe it means I need to paint more.

This painting is currently hanging in my dad's big shop on our farm with no frame or protection..I'm sure it's faded from the light and dust. I know, I should protect it. Right now, its one of his decorations.
