Black and White Shadow Dance

I've been really enjoying photography lately--I have had my camera with me in my summer journey without much of any other art tools. So, I have focused on using the camera more. I also have been learning plants, and wanting to document and capture the essence of the plants I meet. It has worked out well that I have been focusing on plants, and photography of plants. I love shadow and value in the drawing and painting I do, the lines and movement of shape within other shapes, and yesterday I really focused on that. It was a bright 72 degree summer day in New Hampshire (my latest stop on my late summer nomadic life) and I decided to take the day outside hiking up a mountain at the Harris Center, a super sanctuary just north of Peterborough, NH. The sun was bright and shined through the forest illuminating shapes in the bouldered hills that move throughout. Certain things caught my eye as i enjoyed the nice weather, time alone, and plant life. Here are just a few of the photos I took on the hike. These are unedited.

Paper birch details.

Dying hemlock branches, light shining through the trees..

Shadow on Paper Birch.

Club Moss Shadow on a fallen piece of birch bark. I love this one...

Above is of the sky at the top of the mountain I climbed. It was a flat top, with lots of rocks and alpine evergreens, made short from the wind and snow.

Ferns, on the way up the mountain.

Fern shadows on the basal leaves of a lady slipper orchid.

Insect Art..always an inspiration.

Up close of a lady slipper orchid leaf.


  1. Nice it brings me back to hiking windblown with a real camera. Must be beautiful.... City life in sf is something else!!

  2. it sure is beautiful, something about the forest up here is so enchanting..I'll never get old..


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