The Point of Display

I created this blog to provide a space to display, organize, and document progress of many forms of my creative explorations. Some art pieces will be on sale at some point. When that happens I will post those items here and how to buy them.
I will be honest, I am not used to making art and things considered of such genre so public. I am also stuck in a place of confusion regarding transforming these forms of meditation for me into commodities and objects of consumption. I do not want this to inhibit my freedom to express. I never thought of these art forms as things to display outwards per se, but to have, feel, and remember that presence of place in the work. Yet, It is obvious that some of my art has changed towards having utilitarian value, as shown in my sewing pieces. There is a part of art that is inherently about the display, as well as its place being private and internal. Art is to be absorbed and shared if the artist is wishing to communicate. Sometimes, I do wish to communicate. I am willing to move about my thoughts on art, sharing, and communication for the sake of the fact that I need to keep being creative. It is good for my soul amidst a a chaos of a world that does not encourage creativity or that sacred need for some. If part of this display will be good for others; to communicate my feelings, words, and wonders through sharing albeit subconscious or remote, then i think it will be worth the dedication.
